A Touring Theatre Storytelling Show

Twisted Tales for Terrible Children…
Scratch the surface of all the tales we have heard since childhood and we find they are dark, nasty and full of dubious intention… A slight twist reveals the terrible, the silly and the downright incredible ’truths’ hidden in plain sight.
Gav Cross: Storyteller; Show Off and Chief Idiocy Wrangler for Funny Looking Kids: Comedy Club – brings these old fables to life again vividly. You’ll have heard these stories before but not told this way!
An hour of nonsense and nastiness that will trigger giggles and gasps, with the added risk of ruining your childhood forever…
Available for your theatre, school, festival and campfires now!
Told by Gav Cross.
- Online – Zoom:
- 31st October 7:00pm – Tickets & info

As always, have look about, ask a few questions, lets have a chat, what can we plan?
Some details here if you are a venue
Gav Cross brought his sublime Twisted Tales For Twisted Children to the Blue Sky Festival 2019 and audiences loved his thrilling and inclusive take on storytelling for a variety of ages. Using the spectacular immersive pod as a performance space and backdrop the audience were hooked by every word as they were led a merry dance through stories.
Russ TunneyDirector, Pound Arts.
‘Twisted Tales for Terrible Children… is another fantastic opportunity for family audiences to experience Gav Cross’ innovative and contemporary style of storytelling for children.
Never patronising and just on the right side of darkly comic, Twisted Tales for Terrible Children added a fresh and interesting injection of fun and criticality to a set of stories that everyone has heard before.
Class commentary Cinderella, Flying Dave the Toilet Brush, asthmatic wolves and morbid sing-a-longs electrified our audiences, young and old alike!
Bluecoat, Liverpool
‘Twisted Tales for Terrible Children… is another fantastic opportunity for family audiences to experience Gav Cross’ innovative and contemporary style of storytelling for children.
Never patronising and just on the right side of darkly comic, Twisted Tales for Terrible Children added a fresh and interesting injection of fun and criticality to a set of stories that everyone has heard before.
Class commentary Cinderella, Flying Dave the Toilet Brush, asthmatic wolves and morbid sing-a-longs electrified our audiences, young and old alike!
Bluecoat, Liverpool
‘Gav Cross treats children like they’re horrible and adults like they’re children and the results are hilarious and magical.’
Anna Harriott
Arts Programmer,Larmer Tree Festival