The Lost Boy Workshops – Theatre in The Quarter
It’s been an absolute pleasure to work again with Theatre in the Quarter. I have been delivering workshops, preparing schools, mostly year fives but some key stage 3 and 4 classes, for their attendance at Theatre in The Quarter’s latest play: The Lost Boy. Before I carry on, if you are reading this before 7 May, can…
PopUp Storytelling @ Storyhouse, Chester: WayWord Festival, Feb 2016
Back for 4 days of free storytelling in 2017! 21st to the 24th of Feb – Half Term Fun! Details Here! Blog from 2016: What a treat it was to be the Resident Storyteller for this ever growing Literary and Arts Festival. A lovely day of traditional and improvised storytelling for Storyhouse, that saw…
Back to The Conway Centre I go
As a freelancer I am fortunate enough to have a number of long term working relationships with organisations, people and places. The longest standing of these is the Conway Centre, standing tall on Anglesey. I write this just before I pack my car and head down one of my favourite roads, the A55. (Now my job…
A God Complex?
I became a drama teacher and practitioner because I had a great drama teacher or two myself. I was an avid member on my local Youth theatre, The New Stagers at the Bob Hope Theatre in Eltham. Still going strong. But sometimes the joy of performing gets left behind when you become the teacher,…