A Giant Week of Stories 

img_3946Being a storyteller and telling stories  is such a privilege.

I get to have the focused rapt attention hundreds of pairs of eyes in a day. I get to laugh with whole gangs of young people. And I certainly believe that if you can make a room of eight-year-olds chuckle consistently then you have made it my friend!
I get to quickly make connections with dozens of kids. It means walking around the school after a storytelling session must feel exactly like how the Beatles Felt on entering Shea Stadium…
Okay a little touch of the hyperbole there but perhaps you get what I mean?

“Are you the storytelling guy? – Hello Gav! – I saw you this morning! When do we get to see you?”
I get to help stories grow from the Young People themselves.
I get to see, hear, capture and share creativity that explodes from their fertile brains and mouths. The amount of stories I get told quickly as they leave the room! An anthologies worth every day!

As I say, it’s a treat.

Recently I was asked by Woolton Primary School to be inaugural storyteller on their new story bus! A bus. A big red London double-decker bus! Full of books!

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I was in heaven…
The school have named the bus Blaise. And I got to sit on the top floor to tell some stories, to dive into the books and to find poems.
It was my privilege to be invited to return to the school but this time for a whole week. This time they asked me to bring my immersive pop-up storytelling space and tell giant themed stories to the whole school…
So that’s what I did! And again what a fantastic time it was for me. (I am reliably informed that it was also a positive experience for the school…)

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From the story of Jack and the Beanstalk for the Early Years. Oh retelling of the story from the Giants perspective for key stage one. A look at the story of the Child of Hale and a few mythological giant tales from Minotaurs to Green Knights for key stage three.
I was also invited to be a strolling storyteller in the various beautiful yards and playgrounds of the school.
Mixing stories, poems and games made me feel a little like the Pied Piper, with a trail of young people behind me.

We also put in some workshop time with young people so that I could teach them how to make their own digital stories, using very simple techniques and iMovie.

Take a still image. Animate with iMovie. Add a projector. Hey Presto! Giant Beanstalk to climb…
I can honestly say it was a wonderful and unique week thank you for having me. Thank you for having me in residence.

“All the children thoroughly enjoyed their sessions. The stories were age appropriate and engaging. They were expertly delivered. Children have been captivated by storytelling. They are asking for storytelling sessions in their English lessons and across other areas of the curriculum, particularly history.”

Stuart Hetherington Deputy Headteacher – Woolton Primary School

Stories for writing.

Stories for listening.

Stories for enjoyment.

Stories for the Curriculum.


Please do get in contact if you would like to find out how having a storyteller in your school could happen. It doesn’t have to be for a week! With careful timetabling the whole of key stage one and two could have a storytelling day. If your school is a two form entry that could end up being as little as less than £1 per young per young person.

I do have limited availability before Christmas
but much more flexibility in the New Year. (I have an exciting digital storytelling job right up until Christmas Eve… I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say yet…)

(I’m very interested in talking to you if you any have routes into schools that leads to a booking.)

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